20 October 2010


OMO~ I gonna miss all this. MR COMP, Blogger, FB, Youtube, BIG BANG. igonna miss it. okey, 1 weeks more, i gonna facing FINAL EXAM. totally, it scaring. ahh, tak sedia lagi! starting from Monday, i study, study, study and study. i want 8A's. (9A's is impossible). there 9 subject i must study. ohh~ its too late :'(

25/10/2010 - 02/11/2010
it take 1 week. after 1 week, yeah celebrating my birhtday (maybe) I want cake, BBQ, steamboat. haha :DD celebrating with friend for sure :) coolest~ stop about that. hmm, i scaring! okey, till here. i say GOODBYE! byebye, mr comp. byebye all. see you next month. bye~ 

semoga saya dapat 9A atau 8A. Amin.

"exam itu menkutkan"


  1. dear, 9As is not impossible if u think u can get it and when u do to achieve it.. all the best k.. 9As is yours.. say it~

  2. okey, 9A's is mine! thanks for the advice :')
